PhD, Artificial Intelligence And Robotics
MSc, Artificial Intelligence And Robotics
Thesis Title: Evaluation of analysis and synthesis filter bank parameters on speech enhancement methods
Supervisor: Ahmad Akbari, Assosiate Professor of Computer Engineering Department.
BSc, Hardware Engineering
Thesis Title: Speech Storing in EEPROM by Microcontrol 8051
Supervisor: Pejman Khadivi, Aassistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Diploma in Mathematics and Physics
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Nonlinear Feature Transformation and Genetic Feature Selection: Improving System Security and Decrease Computational Cost 
Asgari S., Ansari M. R., Zamani B., Mousavi S. A.
Reinforced Concrete Frame Failure Prediction Using Neural Network Algorithm 
Zamani B., Abdipour R., Motaghed S.
Synthetic Feature Transformation with RBF Neural Network to Improve the Intrusion Detection System Accuracy and Decrease Computational Costs 
Asgari S., Zamani B., Hatam A., Bahraminejad B.
Feature Transformation Using Kernel Minimum Classification Error (KMCE) for Pattern and Speech Recognition (in farsi) 
Optimized Discriminative Transformations for Speech Features Based on Minimum Classification Error 
Discriminative Transformation for Speech Features Based on Genetic 
Eigenspace-Based MLLR Adaptation Using  
Speech Enhancement Using Two New Filters Based on a Posteriori Probability Distribution of Wavelet Coefficients (in farsi) 
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Discriminative Transformations of Speech Features Based on Minimum Classification Error 
A new Feature Transformation Method Based on Maximum Likelihood With Application to Pattern and Speech Recognition (in farsi) 
Improving the MLLR Method Using MCE and Acoustic Knowledge for Speaker Adaptaion (in farsi) 
New Approach in Transform-Based Speaker Adaptation Using Minimum Classification Error 
Vowel Recognition by Using Kernel Minimum Classification Error (KMCE) (in farsi) 
Modification of MLLR Speaker Adaptation Method in Independent Speech Recognition by Minimum Classification Error (in farsi) 
Modification Feature Discriminative Methods Using Minimum Classification Error for Speech Recognition Application (in farsi) 
Suggestion a Two Levels VAD Method Based on HMM (in farsi) 
Residual noise Control for Coherence Based Dual Microphone Speech Enhancement 
A Novel Approach for Branch Buffer Consuming Power Reduction 
A Cross Model Approach to Support of QOS Parameters in Wireless Sensor Networks 
Region-based Image Clustering and Retrieval using Fuzzy Similarity and Relevance Feedback 
A Wavelet Based Speech Enhancement Method Using Noise Classification and Shaping 
An Automatic Fuzzy System for Dynamic Stability of a Car Based on Driver Behavior (in farsi) 
Baharizadeh A., Fathi M. and Zamani B.
First Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems (7th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy System and 8th Conference on Intelligent Systems), 2007.
A Speech Enhancement Method Based on Voiced/Unvoiced Detector in Wavelet Domain (in farsi) 
Designing The Wavelet Adapted To The Speech Signal For Noise
Reduction and Evaluating Its Parameters (in farsi) 
Designing The Adapted Wavelet Function to the Speech Signal
For Noise Reduction
System (in farsi) 
Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT2007), Mashhad, Iran, Nov. 27-29, 2007.
Computational Complexity Reduction in Wavelet Based Noise Reduction
System With WOLA (in farsi)

12th Annual Conference of Computer Society of Iran (CSICC2007), Iran, 2007.
Using WOLA Filter Bank In Wavelet Based Noise Reduction System
To Reduce Computational Complexity (in farsi)

14th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2006), Iran, 2006.
Evaluation of Critical Bands Effects and Wavelet Filter Bank
Parameters on Speech Enhancement Methods (in farsi)

11th Annual Conference of Computer Society of Iran (CSICC2006), Iran, 2006.
A New Fuzzy Method To Image Stabilization In Camera Via
Image Mosaicing Technique (in farsi)

5th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy System, Iran, 2004 |
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Robust Automatic Speech Recognition
Voice Browser Project Report No.4-7, Tehran-Iran, Aug. 2006.
Analyse and Design Voice Browser Based on MRCP and Implement NLSML and Voice Mail software
Akbari A., Asgharian H., Kandi H. and Zamani B.
Voice Browser Project Report No.4-7, Tehran-Iran, Aug. 2006.
Wavelet Filter Bank Design for Speech Analysis and Synthesis Robust Automatic Speech Recognition
BAMI Phase-II Technical Report, Tehran-Iran, Oct. 2006.
Fourier Filter Bank Design for Speech Analysis and Synthesis Robust Automatic Speech Recognition
BAMI Phase-I Technical Report, Tehran-Iran, Oct. 2006.
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Cloud Detection and Classification
Zamani B.
Computer Engineering Department, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Probabilistic Model-Building Genetic Algorithm
Zamani B.
Computer Engineering Department, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Information Theory in Neural Networks
Zamani B.
Computer Engineering Department, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, 2006.
Image Mosaicing
Zamani B.
Computer Engineering Department, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, 2005.
Using Fourier Transform of Decition Tree in a MOBIMINE System
Zamani B.
Computer Engineering Department, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, 2005.
Survey of Pitch Detection Methods
Zamani B.
Computer Engineering Department, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, 2005.
Image Stabilization in Camera with a New Fuzzy Method
Zamani B.
Computer Engineering Department, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, 2004.
Persian Handwritten Digits Recognition with a Hierarchical Boundary Decision Method
Zamani B.
Computer Engineering Department, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, 2004.
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 Speech Recognition |
 Speech Enhancement |
 Discriminant Analysis Methods |
 Feature Extraction, Feature Reduction, Feature Enhancement |
 Parameters Estimation |
 Evolutionary Algorithms |
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 Artificial Intelligence |
 Digital Design
& Computer Architecture |
 Advanced Programming (C++,
Object Oriented) |
 Graphic Computer
& Multimedia |
 Advanced Web Design
& Related Topics |
 Data Structure
and Algorithm |
 Computer Network |
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1st ranked in the M.Sc. graduates of the Artificial Intelligence field Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), 2006
3rd ranked in the B.Sc. graduates of the Hardware field Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), 2003
Several nationwide awards in scientific and cultural contests Iran, 1991-1998 |
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Teacher, Jan. 2011 - 2012
Teacher, Sep. 2010 - present
Teacher, Sep. 2007 - 2012
Teacher, Sep. 2011 - 2012
Faculty Member, Sep. 2004 - present
Speech Enhancement System: Researcher & Developer
Automatic Speech Recognition Project :: Researcher & Developer, Sep 2006 - present
VOIP Project :: Research Engineer, July 2006 - Sep. 2007
BAMI Phase II Project for GNNetCom Co. :: Researcher & Developer, July 2005 - jan. 2006
BAMI Phase I Project for GNNetCom Co. :: Researcher & Developer, Jan. 2005 - June 2005
VCR Project :: Research Engineer & System Analyisis, Jan 2004 - June 2005
Call Server Project :: System Analyisis and Simulator, Jan 2003 - May 2004
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