Name: Mostafa Haghjoo Saniji DOB: 1955/5/5 Work Address: School of Computer Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran email: haghjoom at |
نام: مصطفي حقجو سانيجي تولد: 25/3/1334 آدرس محل كار: تهران-نارمك- دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران – دانشكده مهندسي كامپيوتر پست الکترونیک: haghjoom at |
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سوابق تحصيلي:
مقطع تحصيلي Program |
نام دانشگاه University |
سال فارغالتحصيلي Graduation Year |
كارشناسي (رتبه اول) B.Sc. |
دانشگاه شيراز Shiraz University |
1356 1978 |
كارشناسي ارشد M.Sc. |
دانشگاه جورج واشنگتن – آمريكا George-Washington University - USA |
1358 1980 |
دانشوري (Applied Scientist) |
دانشگاه جورج واشنگتن – آمريكا George-Washington University - USA |
1359 1382 |
دكتري PhD |
دانشگاه ملي استراليا Australian National University |
1374 1995 |
سوابق شغلي:
1- عضو هيئت علمي دانشكده مهندسي كامپيوتر- دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران- از 1363 تاكنون
2- مدير مركز كامپيوتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران
3- معاونت پژوهشي دانشكده مهندسي كامپيوتر – دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران
4- عضو كميته برنامهريزي كامپيوتر – شوراي عالي برنامهريزي
5- وزارت كار و امور اجتماعي- تحلیلگر سیستم - 1359 الي 1361
6- سازمان سنجش آموزش كشور- 1360 الي 1362 – تمام وقت
7- سازمان سنجش آموزش كشور- 1362 الي 1369 – پاره وقت
8- سازمان پژوهشهاي علمي و صنعتي- عضو شورای برنامهریزی انفورماتیک - 1375 الي 1379
سوابق تدريس
Teaching Experience:
الف: دكتري
1. پايگاه دادههاي توزيعشده (Distributed Database)
2. مباحث پيشرفته در پايگاه دادهها(Advanced Concepts in Databases)
ب: كارشناسي ارشد
1. پايگاه داده پيشرفته(Advanced Database)
2. پايگاهدادههاي نوين (Modern Databases)
3. اصول پایگاه دادههای توزیع شده و سیار
(Fundamentals of Distributed and Mobile Databases)
ج: كارشناسي
1. اصول و طراحي پايگاهدادهها
1. Database Principles and Design
2. ذخيره و بازيابي اطلاعات
2. Information Storage and Retrieval
3. ساختمان دادهها و الگوريتمها
3. Data Structures and Algorithms
4. برنامهسازي پيشرفته
4. Advanced Programming
5. سيستمهاي تجاري
5. Business Systems
6. مباني كامپيوتر و برنامهسازي
6. Computer Fundamentals and Programming
1- بانك اطلاعات علمي- كاربردي، جلد1، مفاهیم بنیادین– انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران – چاپ اول 1377 – چاپ هشتم 1387 (تاليف)
2- بانك اطلاعات علمي- كاربردي، جلد2، مفاهیم پیشرفته– انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران – چاپ اول 1386 – چاپ سوم 1390
3- مجموعه شعر "شبي با خورشيد" – انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ايران – چاپ اول 1378
4- مجموعه شعر "لب و سوزن" – انتشارات شانی کرج – چاپ اول 1387
5- مجموعه شعر "زیارتگه رندان" تقدیم به پیشگاه سرور آزادگان، امام حسین "ع"– آماده چاپ
6- سرود عاشورایی زیارتگه رندان جهان (آواز و موسیقی آئینی-سنتی) – تهیه کننده با مجوز وزارت ارشاد اسلامی - 1387
7- مجموعه داستان "فریاد از این عشق" – آماده چاپ
8- S. Haghjoo "Transactional Actor in Cooperative Information Systems", PHD Thesis, The Australian National University, Faculty of Engineering, March 1995
1- M.S. Haghjoo, M.P. Papazoglou, "TractorS: A Transactional Actor System for Distributed Query Processing", In Proceeding of The 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, IEEE Computer Society, Information Processing Society of Japan, Yokohama, Japan, June 1992
2- M.S. Haghjoo, M.P. Papazoglou "Actor as a Vehicle for Distributed Transaction Processing", In proceeding of the 3th Australian Database Conference, S. Srinviasm & J. Zelenznikov eds, Melbourne, Feb 1992.
3- M.S. Haghjoo, M.P. Papazoglou, H.W. Schmidt, "A Semantic-based Nested Transaction Model for Cooperative Information System" In proceeding of the First International Conference on Intelligent & Cooperative Information System, Netherlands, May 1993
4- M.S. Haghjoo, "Concurrent Transactions in Intelligent & Cooperative Information Systems", OFOGH, The Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1994 (ISI)
5- M.S. Haghjoo, Scheduling and Scripting Megatransactions, In Proceeding of The Second International Iran Computer Society Conference, 1996
6- M. Papazoglou, A. Delis, A. Bouguttaya, M.Haghjoo, Class Library Support for Workflow Environment and Applications, IEEE Transaction on Computer, Volume 46, Issue 6, Page(s):673 – 686, June 1997 (ISI Journal)
7- M.S. Haghjoo, Compensating Megatransactions, In Proceeding of The Third International Iran Computer Society Conference, 1997
8- M.S. Haghjoo، Delegating Megatransactions, In Proceeding of The 4th International Iran Computer Society Conference, 1998
9- M.S. Haghjoo, Megatransaction Structures, Defined as Poset, In Proceeding of The Second International Applicable Mathematics Conference, 2000
10- M.S. Haghjoo, Ehsan Eskandari, Naser Ezzati, IT and Insurance Industry, First Symposium of Insurance and IT, Tehran, Iran, 2003
11- Ehsan Eskandari, M.S. Haghjoo, Towards Publicizing Online Training, The Third Conference on Scientfic and Applicative Teaching, Tehran, Iran, 2004
12- Ehsan Eskanadri, Abdol-Reza Pirshayan, Mostafa Haghjoo, IT and Insurance Industry, The Third Symposium of Insurance and IT, Tehran, Iran, 2005
15- Kamyar Izadi, Mostafa Haghjoo, “A Genetic Algorithm for Horizontal Fragmentation To Reduce Network Traffic”, CSICC Computer Conference, 2006
16- Vahid Garakani, Sayyed Kamyar Izadi, Mostafa Haghjoo, Mohammad Harizi, “Ntjfsatnot: a novel method for query with not-predicates on xml data”, Sixteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, 885-88, 2007
17- Kamyar Izadi, Fatemeh Asadi, Mostfa S. Haghjoo, “XPLC: A Novel Protocol for Concurrency Control in XML Databases”, 2007 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA 2007, Amman, Jordan, 450-453, 2007
18- Ali-Asghar Safaeei, Mehran Kamali, Mostafa Haghjoo, Kamyar Izadi, “Caching Intermediate Results for Multiple-Query Optimization”, 2007 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA 2007, Amman, Jordan, 412-415, 2007
19- Sayyed Kamyar Izadi, Theo Härder, Mostafa Haghjoo, “Processing and Optimizing Tree Pattern Queries in Native XML Database Management Systems” , Grundlagen von Datenbanken, , Apolda, Germany, 76-80, 2008
20- Sayyed Kamyar Izadi, Vahid Garakani, Mostafa Haghjoo, “Facilitating XML Query Processing Via Execution Plan”, 13th International CSI Computer Science (CSICC 2008), Kish, Iran, 2008
21- Sayyed Kamyar Izadi, Theo Härder, Mostafa Haghjoo, “S3: Evaluation of Tree-Pattern XML Queries Supported by Structural Summaries” , Data and Knowledge Engineering 68(1) (2009) 126-145 (ISI journal)
22- Ali-Asghar Safaeei, Mostafa S. Haghjoo, Mohammad Ghalambor, "GMTM: A Grid Transaction Management Model", in proc. of Springer CSICC08, Iran, 2008.
23- Ali-Asghar Safaeei, Mostafa S. Haghjoo, Fatemeh Abdi, "Semantic Cache Schema for Query Processing in Mobile Databases ", in proc. of IEEE ICDIM, UK, 2008.
24- Ali A. Safaei, Mostafa S. Haghjoo, "On-Line Data Stream Query Processing Using Finite State Automata", Fourth International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology, 2009,Beijing, China.
25- Ali A. Safaei, Mostafa S. Haghjoo, Fatemeh Abdi, "Using Finite State Machines in Processing Continuous Queries", International Review on Computers and Software. VOL. 4, NO. 5. September 2009.
26- M. Ghalambor, Ali A. Safaeei, M A. Azgomi, “DSMS scheduling regarding complex QoS metrics”,IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 10-13 May 2009
27- A. A. Safaei, M. S. Haghjoo, “Parallel Processing of Data Stream Query Operators”, accepted to be published in Journal of Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2010 (DOI: 10.1007/s10619-010-7066-3 (ISI journal)
28- Sayyed Kamyar Izadi, Mostafa Haghjoo, Theo Härder, “S3: Processing tree-pattern XML queries with all logical operators” , Submitted to Data and Knowledge Engineering (ISI journal)
29- A. Safaei, M. S. Haghjoo, M. Alemi, “QRS: A Quick Real-Time Stream Management System”, submitted to the IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering (Sep. 2011) (ISI journal)
30- Ali A. Safaei, M. Alemi, Mostafa S. Haghjoo, Sh. Mohammadi, “Hybrid Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling Approach”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 2, March 2011.
31- Ali A. Safaei, M. S. Haghjoo, “Dispatching of Stream Operators in Parallel Execution of Continuous Queries”, the Journal of Supercomputing, 2011, DOI:10.1007/s11227-011-0621-5. (ISI journal)
32- Ali A. Safaei, Reza Pirshayan, M. S. Haghjoo, “Modeling Heterogeneous Dimensions in Multi-Dimensional Databases”, International Journal of Computer Science and Research, 1(1): 22-29, (2010).
33- Ali A. Safaei, Mostafa S. Haghjoo, F. Abdi, “PFGN: A Hybrid Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm for Data Stream Management Systems”, International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (Communications in Computer and Information Science Series), 2011.
34- Mehdi Alemi, Ali A. Safaei, Mostafa S. Hagjhoo, F. Abdi, “PDMRTS: Multiprocessor Real-Time Scheduling Considering Process Distribution in Data Stream Management System”, International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (Communications in Computer and Information Science Series), 2011
35- Shirin Mohammadi, Ali A. Safaei, Mostafa S. Hagjhoo and Fatemeh Abdi, “Effective Parameters on Response Time of Data Stream Management Systems”, in proc of the 10th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, USA, 2011.
1. اجرای پروژه "طراحی معماری و تدوین دانش مشخصات سیستم مدیریت پایگاه داده بومی خاص"،
o کارفرمایان: وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری و شرکت ایزایران
o مقیاس پروژه: متوسط
o سال اجرا: 1390
Last Update: Nov. 13, 2011