Research Interests
Intelligent Systems, Human Computer Interaction, Cognitive Computing, Data Science, Machine Learning, Wireless Sensor Networks
University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST)
Ph.D. in Computer Science
University of Salford, Manchester
M.S. in Computer Science
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran
B.S. in Mathematics & Computer Science
Academic Positions
Associate Professor, Software & AI Groups, School of CE, IUST
- Director, Software Group, School of CE, IUST
Zahra Mirzamomen, Mohammad Reza Kangavari, "Evolving Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network Based Decision Trees for Data Stream Classification."
Neural Processing Letters 45(1): 341-363 (2017)
Zahra Mirzamomen, Mohammad Reza Kangavari, "A framework to induce more stable decision trees for pattern classification."
Pattern Analysis and Applications, Volume 20(4): 991-1004 (2017)
Mahnaz Koupaee, Mohammad Reza Kangavari, Mohammad Javad Amiri, "Scalable structure-free data fusion on wireless sensor networks."
The Journal of Supercomputing 73(12): 5105-5124 (2017)
Mohammad Pashaei, Hossein Ghiasy Rad, Mohammad Reza Kangavari, "Link Lifetime Prediction in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Using Curve Fitting Method."
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 17(5):265-270(2017)
Nosratali Ashrafi Payaman, Mohammadreza Kangavari,"GSSC: Graph Summarization based on both Structure and Concepts"
International Journal of Information & Communication Technology Research, 9(1):33-44(2017)
N Ashrafi Payaman, MR Kangavari, "Graph Hybrid Summarization."
Journal of AI and Data Mining(2017)
Zahra Mirzamomen, Mohammad Reza Kangavari, "Fuzzy min-max neural network based decision trees."
Intelligent Data Analysis,Volume 20, Number 1, 2016
Zahra Farzanyar, Mohammad Reza Kangavari,"Distributed Frequent Item Sets Mining over P2P Networks."
Computing and Informatics 34(2): 458-472 (2015)
Zahra Mirzamomen, Mohammad Navid Fekri, Mohammadreza Kangavari, "Cross split decision trees for pattern classification."
Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE), 5th International Conference, 240-245
Hassan Naderi, Mohammad Reza Kangavari, Morteza Okhovvat, "ScEP: A scalable and energy aware protocol to increase network lifetime in wireless sensor networks."
Wireless Personal Communications, 82(1):611-623
Nasrin Kalanat, Mohammad Reza Kangavari, "Data Mining Methods for Rule Designing and Rule Triggering in Active Database Systems."
International Journal of Database Theory and Application, 8(1):39-44
Hadi Restgou Haghi, Mohammadreza Kangavari, Behrang QasemiZadeh,"A novel approach for video temporal annotation."
arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.4543
Yi Hu, Ruzhan Lu, Yuquan Chen, Maosheng Zhong, Kuanquan Wang, Guosheng Yang, Yongfeng Yuan, Henggui Zhang, Nie Ru, Yue Jianhua, Jianfeng Li, Yijun Li, Yan Chen, Jianyong Duan, Kai Li, Shanlin Yang, Yu Zhu, Yu Zhang, Yinglan Gong, Ling Xia, Qi Sun, Min Tang, Yang Weng, Xiao Li, Yunmin Zhu, Mohammad Reza Feizi Derakhshi, Mohammad Reza Kangavari,et. al., "Life System Modeling and Simulation."
International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation and International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, Volume 461
Mohammad Javad Amiri, Aliyeh Khayati, Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli, Mohammad Reza Kangavari, "Development of the E-Commerce Dialogues using Dynamic Context-aware Web Services Composition."
Turkish Journal of Engineering, 1:55-62
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