Video Enhancement through Image Registration using SSIM

File Description
ssim_index_MAT.m It is a modified version of Wang’s ssim_index.m, in which it returns the Structural Dissimilarity of two images, and also, the size of returned map image is equal to the input images. homo_fa_MAT.m, homo_fa_lm_MAT.m, homo_fa_lm_MAT_SSIM.m, demonstrating the LK-algorithm (LK), LK-algorithm with Levenberg-Marquardt optimization approach (LK-LM) and the proposed LK-algorithm based on SSIM criterion (LK-SSIM-LM). Some of the other files are hessian.m, init_h.m, jacobian_h_MAT.m, quadtobox_H_MAT.m, sd_images.m, sd_update.m, warp_h_MAT.m. The above files are those which are modified according to our requirements, the original files can be downloaded from here.
run_homo_MAT_10_LM.m This file is the main file which uses the above files for mapping a HR training image onto the LR image. For running it, the following packages also are required:
Peter Kovesi's files, which should modify to use Dr. David Lowe's SIFT key-points extraction program for estimation of registration parameters.
reports_SSIM_05.m This file calls run_homo_MAT_10_LM.m for every frame of a sequence and plots some figures in the paper. This files uses MATLAB 2009 instructions for distributing the work over cores of a multi-core CPU, so that the related experiments for each SNR runs on a different core.
Dr. Vandewall SR software This software has been used for comparing with different SR approaches.

Data Set
Sequence Name: Tehran Park LSMS Opening Tokyo Shanghai Garden
Frames 60 150 60 86
First Original Frame
Specifications 720x576
The Whole Video (AVI,2s,3.2MB)
The Whole Video (WMV,20:17s,75MB)
A clip of video (AVI,38s,4MB)
Video (AVI,20s,4.3MB)
The Whole Video (AVI,4s,424KB)
Device: Panasonic NV-GS75 Sony DSC-T100 Sony HDR-SR12E Sony DSC-W30
First LR Frame
Resolution 360x288
All LR Frames
Selected Frames
LR Frames (Without Noise) (BMP,10.7MB)
Selected Frames
Selected Frames
Noisy Yes Yes Yes Yes
Training Image
Resolution 720x576 740x380 640x480 816x612
HR Training is: From Seq. Not in seq Not in seq. Not in seq.
Device: Panasonic NV-GS75 Sony DSC-W30 Sony HDR-SR12E Sony DSC-W30



This page was last updated on May 2010.