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- Abbasifard, M.R., Naderi, H., Fallahnejad, Z., IsfahaniAlamdari O., Approximate aggregate nearest neighbor search on moving objects trajectories, Journal of Central South University, 22(11), 2015, pp.4954-4969, DOI: 10.1007/s11771-015-2973-0
- Sagharichian, M., Langouri, M.A. and Naderi, H., A fast method to exactly calculate the diameter of incremental disconnected graphs. World Wide Web, 2016, pp.1-18, DOI: 10.1007/s11280-016-0394-0
- Sagharichian, M., Langouri, M.A. and Naderi, H., Calculating Exact Diameter Metric of Large Static Graphs, Journal of Universal Computer Science, 22(3), pp. 302-318, 2016, free access on the link: here