Journal papers


Referee of the following journals

·         BIT Numerical Mathematics, Inverse Problems, Inverse Problems and Imaging, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Computational Optimization and Applications, SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT)

·         Reviewer of Mathematical Reviews

·         Editorial board member of Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society

Useful links: Journal Rankings  &  SJR

·         K. Ivaz, T. Nikazad, “Free boundary problem with kinetic function”, The International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Bulgaria, 6 (3), (2001), 235--241.

·         K. Ivaz, T. Nikazad, “An inverse solidification of pure substance problem in two dimensions“. Appl. Math. Lett. 18 (8), (2005), 891--896.

·         T. Elfving and T. Nikazad, “Stopping rules for Landweber type iteration”. Inverse Problems 23 (4) (2007), 1417--1432.

·         Y. Censor, T. Elfving, G. T. Herman and T. Nikazad, “On diagonally-relaxed orthogonal projection methods”. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) 30 (1), (2007/08), 473--504.

·         T. Elfving and T. Nikazad, “Properties of a class of block-iterative methods “. Inverse Problems 25 (2009) 115011 (13pp).

·         T. Elfving, T. Nikazad and Per Christian Hansen, "Semi-convergence and relaxation parameters for a class of SIRT algorithm ". Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 37 (2010), 321--336.

·         T. Nikazad, R. Davidi and G. T. Herman, "Accelerated perturbation-resilient block iterative projection methods with application to image reconstruction".  Inverse Problems 28 (2012) 035005 (19pp)

·         T. Elfving, Per Christian Hansen and T. Nikazad , "Semi-convergence and relaxation parameters for projected SIRT algorithm". SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (4), (2012), A2000--A2017.

·         T. Nikazad and M. Abbasi, "An acceleration scheme for cyclic subgradient projections method", Computational Optimization and Applications, 54 (1), (2013), 77--91, DOI: 10.1007/s10589-012-9490-y.

·         A. Aghajani, M. Haghpanahi and T. Nikazad, “The ultrasound elastography inverse problem and the effective criteria”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, (2013), 227(11) 1203—1212.

·         T. Elfving, Per Christian Hansen and T. Nikazad," Semi-convergence properties of Kaczmarz’s method". Inverse problems, 30 (2014) 055007 (16pp).

·         T. Nikazad and M. Abbasi, "Weights in block iterative methods". International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 5(2), (2014), 37--49.

·         T. Nikazad and M. Abbasi, "Perturbation-resilient iterative methods with an infinite pool of mappings". SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 53 (2015), 390--404.

·         T. Nikazad, M. Abbasi and T. Elfving,"Error minimizing relaxation strategies in Landweber and Kaczmarz type iterations". Journal of Ill-posed and Inverse problems, 25 (2015), 35--56.

·         T. Nikazad and M. Mirzapour, "Projected non-stationary simultaneous iterative methods". International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 7, (2016), 243--251.

·         T. Nikazad and M. Karimpour, "Controlling semi-convergence phenomenon in non-stationary simultaneous iterative methods". Iranian journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization, 6  (2016), 51--64.

·         T. Nikazad and M. Karimpour, "Controlling noise error in block iterative methods". Numerical Algorithms, 73 (2016), 907--925.

·         T. Nikazad and S. Heidarzade, "Choosing the relaxation parameter in sequential block-iterative methods for linear systems". Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 41 (2017), 733--748.

·         T. Nikazad and M. Abbasi, "A unified treatment of some perturbed fixed point iterative methods with an infinite pool of operators". Inverse problems, 33 (2017) 044002 (27pp).

·         T. Nikazad, M. Abbasi and M. Mirzapour, "Convergence of string-averaging method for a class of operators". Optimization Methods & Software, 31 (2016), 1189--1208.

·         T. Elfving, P. C. Hansen and T. Nikazad, "Convergence Analysis for Column-Action Methods in Image Reconstruction". Numerical Algorithms, 74 (2017), 905--924.

·         T. Nikazad and M. Mirzapour, "Generalized relaxation of string averaging operators based on strictly relaxed cutter operators". Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 18  (2017), 431--450.

·         A.H. Salehi Shayegan, A. Zakeri and Nikazad, "Quasi solution of a nonlinear inverse parabolic problem". Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 45 (1), (2019),

·         T. Nikazad and M. Abbasi, "Perturbed fixed point iterative methods based on pattern structure". Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41 (14), (2018), 5582-5592,

·         T. Nikazad, M. Karimpour and M. Abbasi, "Notes on flexible sequential block iterative methods". Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 76 (6), (2018), 1321-1332,

·         A. Golbabai, O. Nikan and T. Nikazad, "Numerical Investigation of the Time Fractional Mobile-Immobile Advection-Dispersion Model Arising from Solute Transport in Porous Media". International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 5 (3), 50 (2019),

·         O. Nikan , A. Golbabai and T. Nikazad, "Solitary wave solution of the nonlinear KdV-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers model via two meshless methods ". The European Physical Journal Plus 134 (7), 367 (2019),

·         O. Nikan, J.A.T. Machado, A. Golbabai and T. Nikazad, "Numerical investigation of the nonlinear modified anomalous diffusion process". Nonlinear Dynamics 97 (4), (2019), 2757-2775.

·         A. Golbabai, O. Nikan and T. Nikazad, "Numerical analysis of time fractional Black–Scholes European option pricing model arising in financial market". Computational and Applied Mathematics 38 (4), (2019) 173,

·         O Nikan, A Golbabai, J. A. T. Machado, T. Nikazad, “Numerical solution of the fractional Rayleigh–Stokes model arising in a heated generalized second-grade fluid”. Engineering with Computers (2020),

·         O Nikan, J. A. T. Machado, A Golbabai, T Nikazad, “Numerical approach for modeling fractal mobile/immobile transport model in porous and fractured media”. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 111, 104443, (2020).

·         M. Abbasi, T. Nikazad, “Superiorization of block accelerated cyclic subgradient methods”.  J. Appl. Numer. Optim 2 (1), 3-13, (2020)

·         M Karimpour, T Nikazad, “On the convergence of nonstationary columnoriented version of algebraic iterative methods”. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (2020),

·         T Nikazad, M Karimpour, “Column-oriented algebraic iterative methods for nonnegative constrained least squares problems”. Numerical Algorithms, (2020),

Invited Chapters


·         (with T. Elfving), "Some properties of ART-type reconstruction algorithms" in  Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Imaging and Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), Y. Censor, M. Jiang and A.K. Louis, (Editors), Edizioni della Normale, Pisa, Italy, 2008, 131--152.

·         (with T. Elfving and C. Popa), "A class of iterative methods: semi-convergence, stopping rules, inconsistency and constraining" in Biomedical Mathematics: Promising Directions in Imaging, Therapy Planning and Inverse Problems, Yair Censor, Ming Jiang and Ge Wang (Editors), Medical Physics Publishing, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2010, 157—183.


Conferences papers


·         (with K. Ivaz), "Wavelet Functions", 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics. IUST, Iran-Tehran, Oct. 25-27,2000

·         (with K. Ivaz), "Wavelet-Galerkin Solution of the Periodic Problems", 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics. IUST, Iran-Tehran, Oct. 25-27, 2000

·         (with K. Ivaz), "Wavelet-Galerkin Solution for the Inhomogeneous Sturm-Liouville Problems", The First International Seminar on Graph, Combinatorics, Computational Algorithms and Applications, Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran, Iran (Tehran Polytechnique).

·         "Wavelet and Numerical Integration", 19th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, University of Dundee, Scotland, U. K. 26-29 June, 2001.

·         "Wavelet-Galerkin Solution for the Linear Second-Order Differential Equation with Variable Coefficients", 33rd Iranian Mathematics Conference, Department of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran, Aug 30-Sep 02, 2002.

·         (with K. Ivaz), " The Finite Element Method For Solving The Two-Phase Stefan Problems", Proceeding of the 14th Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its applications, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, Feb. 4-5, 2004, pp. 141-146.

·         Invited talk:  "Semi-convergence and relaxation parameters", Workshop on Inverse Problems and Applications, Norrkoping, Sweden May 3, 2010.

·         Invited talk:  "Iterative methods used in image reconstruction", Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Iran, Zanjan, May 17, 2014.

·         Invited talk:  "Iterative methods used in image reconstruction", IPM-Isfahan workshop on Numerical Analysis , Iran, Isfahan, May 30-31, 2015.