Home » Courses » Simulation

Course Info.
Course Materials
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Course Information

Instructor: Dr. Masoud Yaghini
Office: School of Railway Engineering, 3rd Floor  
Office hours:
Saturday 4:00-5:00, Monday 11:30-12:30, Wednesday 11:30-12:30

Semester: Spring 2004

Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce basic concepts of system modeling and computer simulation. The process and methodology of using simulation for problem solving and decision making are emphasized. Simulation language Arena will be used as a tool for model building. Students will be required to apply the modeling techniques to a real world (or fictitious) problem through a term project.




Course Materials

Required Textbook
The students must acquire a copy of:

Simulation with Arena, by D.W. Kelton, R. P. Sadowski, and D. A. Sadowski, McGraw-Hill, Second Edition, 2002.

Textbook Slides: All Chapters

Chapter Slides Arena Models Data Files
1 Chapter 01.zip    
2 Chapter 02.zip    
3 Chapter 03.zip Models03.zip  
4 Chapter 04.zip Models04.zip partbprp.dst
5 Chapter 05.zip Models05.zip  
6 Chapter 06.zip    
7 Chapter 07.zip    
9 Chapter 09.zip    
11 Chapter 11.zip    
App. C Appendix C.zip    

Recommended Textbook

A.L. Law, and D. W. Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA, 2000.

J. Banks, J. S. Carson, B. L. Nelson, and D. M. Nicol, Discrete-Event System Simulation, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001.


Weekly Classes

Room 214, School of Railway Engineering
Monday & Wednesday, 10-12 A

 Lecture Slides Topic
2 Lecture 2  
3 Lecture 3  
4 Lecture 4  
5 Lecture 5  
6 Lecture 6  
7 Lecture 7  
8 Lecture 8  
9 Lecture 9 & 10  
11 Lecture11  
12 Lecture 12  
13 Lecture 13  
14 Lecture 14  
15 Lecture 15  
16 Lecture 16  
17 Lecture 17  
18   Midterm
19 & 20 Lecture 19 & 20  
21 Lecture 21  
22 & 23 Lecture 22 & 23  
    Final Exam




INFORMS College on Simulation, the simulation oriented subgroup of the leading operations research and management science society

SIGSIM, ACM's special interest group for simulation

SIGMETRICS, ACM's special interest group on modeling and measurement of computer systems

SCS, The Society for Computer Simulation International

Archival Publications

ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, the premiere computer science journal dedicated to simulation and modeling

INFORMS Journal on Computing, archival journal of the INFORMS College on Simulation

Management Science, archival journal of INFORMS, publishes papers on stochastic models and simulation

SCS Transactions, the quarterly archival journal of the Society for Computer Simulation International


Winter Simulation Conference, the premiere large-scale conference dedicated to simulation


Student List



  آخرين تاريخ بروز رساني:  22/2/83