Alireza Mosleh Tehrani
. Bs.C.
. Ms.C.
. Ph.D.
Pure Mathematics 2012-?,
Pure Mathematics 2009-2011,
Applied Mathematics 2003-2008,
Iran University of Science and Technology,
Iran University of Science and Technology,
Payame Noor University of Tehran,
Title of Thesis:

Title of Thesis:

Title of Thesis:

Existence and asymptotic behaviour of solutions of some integral and elliptic partial differential equations,

Some fixed point theorems for s-convex subsets in p-normed spaces,

Coloring graph,

Supervisor of Thesis:

Supervisor of Thesis:

Supervisor of Thesis:

Dr. Asadollah Aghajani,

Dr. Asadollah Aghajani,

Dr. Nosrati

Consultant of Thesis:

Consultant of Thesis:

Dr. Mohammad Bagher Ghaemi

Dr. Mohammad Bagher Ghaemi