The publication List is Last Updated on: January-2025
Publication List
Journal Articles
[1] M.A Shahidi, M. Ashtian and F. Bakhshi, "Automatic Refactoring of Software Source Code to Eliminate Linguistic Antipatterns," Computing Science Journal, to appear.
[2] E. Vosughi and M. Ashtian, "Dynamic match3 mobile game difficulty adjustment using fuzzy systems," Computing Science Journal, to appear.
[3] M.Hanaforoosh, M. Abdollahi Azgomi, and M. Ashtian, "Reducing the Cost of Cold Start Time in Serverless Function Executions Using Granularity Trees," Future Generation Computer Systems, vol.164, March 2025.
[4] M.A Ghasvari Jahromi, M. Ashtian, and F. Bakhshi, "FaasFlows: An Approach for Reducing Vendor Lock-in and Response Time in Serverless Workflows," The Journal of Supercomputing, to appear, 2024.
[5] H. Karamdel, M. Ashtian, M.J. Mehditabar and F. Bakhshi, "A consensus-based approach to improve the accuracy of machine learning models," Evolutionary Intelligence, to appear, 2024.
[6] E. Saeedizadeh and M. Ashtian, "Scientific Workflow Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Environments: A Comprehensive Taxonomy, Survey and Future Directions," Journal of Scheduling,, 2024.
[7] A. MajidZadeh, M. Ashtian and M. Zakeri-Nasrabadi, "Multi-type requirements traceability prediction by code data augmentation and fine-tuning MS-CodeBERT," Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol. 90, 2024.
[8] F. Bakhshi, M. Ashtian , "An Approach for Reaching Consensus in Large-scale Group Decision-Making Focusing on Dimension Reduction," Complex & Intelligent Systems,, 2024.
[9] A.R. SanatJoo, M. Ashtian and N. Hamzelou"A Method for Detecting and Reacting to Obstacles in Flocking Systems," The CSI Journal on Computing Science and Information Technology, to appear.
[10] M. Zargarazad, M. Ashtian , "An auto-scaling approach for microservices in cloud computing environments," Journal of Grid Computing, vol.21, no.73 , 2023.
[11] M.M. Abdollahpour, M.Ashtiani, F.Bakhshi, "Automatic software code repair using deep learning techniques," Software Quality Journal,, 2023.
[12] A. Sheibanirad, M. Ashtiani, "A Self-Adaptive Approach to Job Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environments ,"Scientia Iranica, doi: 10.24200/SCI.2023.59168.6090.
[13] M. Ahrabi-Tabriz, T. Rafiei-Atani, M. Ashtiani, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh, "Visual Creativity through Concept Combination Using Quantum Cognitive Models,"Scientia Iranica, vol.31, no.2, 2024.
[14] S. Rayehi, M. Ashtiani, "An approach for resource scheduling in serverless computing environments,"Computing Science Journal, vol.8, no.2, 2023.
[15] H. Ebrahimpour, M. Ashtiani, F. Bakhshi, Gh. Bakhtiari, "A heuristic-based package-aware function scheduling approach for creating a trade-off between cold start time and cost in FaaS computing environments," Journal of Supercomputing,, 2023.
[16] F. Azimi Chetabi, M. Ashtiani, E. Saeedizadeh, "A package-aware approach for function scheduling in serverless computing environments,"Journal of Grid computing, vol.21, no.23, 2023.
[17] M. Ashtiani, S. Rastegari, "A processing-time aware approach for the optimal usage of resources in cloud computing environments," Computing Science Journal, :DOR, pp.32-44, 2023.
[18] M. A. Chiniforoushan Esfahani, M. Ashtiani, F. Bakhshi, "A probabilistic-based approach for automatic identification and refactoring of software code smells,"Computing Science Journal, vol.8, no.1, 2023.
[19] R. Saheb-Nasagh, M. Ashtiani, B. Minaei-Bidgoli, "A probabilistic-based approach for automatic identification and refactoring of software code smells," Applied Soft Computing, vol. 130, 2022.
[20] S. Pourmohseni, M. Ashtiani, M. Akbari Azirani, "A computational trust model for social IoT based on interval neutrosophic numbers," Information Sciences, vol. 607, August 2022, pp. 758- 782.
[21] N. M. Ebadati Esfahani, M. Ashtiani, and N. Hamzelou, "A Two-Layered Trust Management Approach in Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks," Journal of Soft Computing and Information Technology, no.3, 2022, pp.41-56.
[22] A. Behrouzi-Nia, M. Ashtiani, and N. Hamzelou, "Investigating the effect of common refactorings on optimizing the energy consumption of android applications," Computing Science Journal, no.25, 2022.
[23] H. Ahmadi, M. Ashtiani, M. Abdollahi-Azgomi, R.Saheb-Nasagh, "A DQN-based Agent for Automatic Software Refactoring," Information and Software Technology, vol.147, 2022.
[24] M. Shahidi, M. Ashtiani and M. Zakeri-Nasrabadi, "An automated extract method refactoring approach to correct the long method code smell ," Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 187, no.12, 2022.
[25] N. Hosseini, M. Ashtiani, "An auto-scaling approach for the optimal usage of resources in cloud computing environments ," Computing Science Journal, no.24, 2022, pp.2-20.
[26] M. Hanafroroosh, M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi-Azgomi, "An approach based on multiplex networks for modeling cascading trust failures in social networks ," Journal of Computational Science, vol.54, September 2021.
[27] E. Saeedizade and M. Ashtiani, "DDBWS: A Dynamic Deadline and Budget-aware Workflow Scheduling Algorithm in Workflow as a Service Environments ," The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 77, no.12, 2021.
[28] E. Golshani and M. Ashtiani, "Proactive Auto-scaling for Cloud Environments using Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol.154, 2021, pp.119-141.
[29] N. Hamzelou, M. Ashtiani and R.Sadeghi, "A propagation trust model in social networks based on the A* algorithm and multi-criteria decision making ," Computing, vol.103, 2021, pp.827-867,
[30] R. Saheb Nasagh, M. Shahidi and M. Ashtiani, "A Fuzzy-Genetic Automatic Refactoring Approach to Improve Software Maintainability and Flexibility," Soft Computing, vol.25, 2020, pp.4295-4325,
[31] M. Rajabi, M. Ashtiani, B. Minaei Bidgoli and O. Davoodi, "A Dynamic Balanced Level Generator for Video Games based on Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks," Scientia Iranicavol.28, 2020 pp.1497-1514.
[32] S. Feyzollahi, M. Ashtiani, "A Security-aware Virtual Machine Placement in the Cloud using Hesitant Fuzzy Decision-Making Processes," The Journal of Supercomputing, vol.77, 2020, pp.5606–5636 ,
[33] O. Davoodi, M. Ashtiani and M.Rajabi, "An Approach for the Evaluation and Correction of Manually Designed Video Game Levels Using Deep Neural Networks," The Computer Journal, DOI:, 2020.
[34] N. Hakimi-Aghadam, M. Ashtiani and M.Abdollahi Azgomi, "An uncertainty-aware computational trust model considering the co-existence of trust and distrust in social networks," Information Sciences,Vol.513, March 2020, pp.465-503.
[35] N. Hakimi-Aghadam, M. Ashtiani and M.Abdollahi Azgomi, "A context-awaremulti-faceted computational trust-distrust model for online social networks," Journal of Soft Computing and Information Technology (JSCIT) ,To appear.
[36] N. Hamzelou and M. Ashtiani, "A mitigation strategy for the prevention of cascading trust failures in social networks," Future Generation Computer Systems ,Vol.94, 2019, pp.564-586.
[37] M.J. Salehi, M. Ashtiani and B. Minaei Bidgoli, "Cloud Service Selection based on the Credibility persistency of Users’ Feedbacks," Journal of Soft Computing and Information Technology (JSCIT),Vol.7, No.1, 2018. pp. 29-41.
[38] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "A novel trust evolution algorithm based on a quantum-like model of computational trust," Cognition Technology and Work, Springer, Published Online: June 2018.
[39] K. Karimian, M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "An approach based on the transferable belief model for trust evaluation in web services," Soft Computing, Springer, July. 2017, Published Online, DOI 10.1007/s00500-017-2730-4.
[40] M. Ashtiani, Shima Hakimi Rad and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "A model of trust based on uncertainty theory," International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, World Scientific, July. 2017, In press.
[41] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "Trust modeling based on a combination of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy VIKOR," Soft Computing, Vol. 20, No. 1, Springer, Jan. 2016, pp. 399-421.
[42] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "A formulation of computational trust based on quantum decision theory," Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 18, No. 4, Springer, August 2016, pp. 735-764.
[43] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "A hesitant fuzzy model of computational trust considering hesitancy, vagueness and uncertainty," Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 42, Elsevier, May 2016, pp. 18-37.
[44] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "Contextuality, Incompatibility and Biased Inference in a Quantum-Like Formulation of Computational Trust," Advances in Complex Systems, Vol. 17, No. 5, World Scientific, Sept. 4, 2014, 1450020 (61 pages).
[45] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "A multi-criteria decision making formulation of trust using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process," Cognition Technology and Work, Vol. 17, No. 4, Springer, Nov. 2015, pp. 465-488.
[46] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "A Distributed Simulation Framework for Modeling Cyber Attacks and the Evaluation of Security Measures," Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Vol. 90, No. 9, SAGE, Sept. 03, 2014, pp. 1071-1102.
[47] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "Cyber Attack Simulation for Operational Security Evaluation Using Coloured Petri Nets," Information & Communication Technology Research Journal (IJICTR), Vol. 4, No. 3, ITRC, 2012, pp. 45-63.
[48] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "A Survey of Quantum-Like Approaches to Decision Making and Cognition," Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 75, Elsevier, May 2015, pp. 49-80.
[49] M. Divsalar, M. Abdollahi Azgomi and M. Ashtiani, “A computational trust model for e-commerce systems: Concepts, definitions and evaluation method,” International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research (IJICTR), ITRC, Accepted: Aug. 01, 2015.
Conference Papers
[1] F. Mirjalil, M.Ashtiani, "An approach for cluster autoscaling in cloud environments based on workload prediction," Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, April. 24–25, 2024.
[2] M. Kashanyian, M.Ashtiani and A.Ghassemi, "A consensus-based auto-scaling approach for serverless environments," Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, April. 24–25, 2024.
[3] M.A Ghasvari-Jahromi, M.Ashtiani and F. Bakhshi, "A cluster-migration approach to improve deployability in serverless workflows," Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, May. 3–4, 2023.
[4] E. Mousavi and M.Ashtiani "Improving traceability in supply-chains using the block-chain technology," Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Information & Knowledge Technology, Isfahan, Iran, Dec. 26–28, 2023.
[5] A. Majid Zadeh, M.Ashtiani and M. Zakeri Nasrabadi, "Code data augmentation to improve language model’s performance in requirement to code traceability link recovery," Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, May. 3–4, 2023.
[6] M. Hanaforoush, M.Ashtiani and M. A. Azgomi, " MFA: A serverless FaaS simulator," Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, May. 3–4, 2023.
[7] M. Rowshanmaram-Kandori, M.Ashtiani, " A model for node clustering to calculate trust in social networks," 15th Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology (SASTech 2022), Mashhad, Iran, Dec. 11–12, 2022.
[8] M. M. Abdollahpour, M.Ashtiani, F. Bakhshi, " Automatic software code repair using deep learning techniques," 15th Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology (SASTech 2022), Mashhad, Iran, Dec. 11–12, 2022.
[9] M. A Shahidi Nashroukali and M.Ashtiani, " Automatic Refactoring of Software Source Code to Eliminate Linguistic Antipatterns," Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, May. 11–12, 2022.
[10] Gh. Bakhtiari and M.Ashtiani, " Security and Performance-aware Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Computing Environments," Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, May. 11–12, 2022.
[11] F. Bakhshi and M.Ashtiani, "An study on opinion compatibility and its impact on the dimension reduction of large scale decision makings,"Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Soft computing, Guilan, Iran, Dec. 29–30, 2021.
[12] A. Erfanian-omidar and M.Ashtiani, "An auto-scaling approach for cloud computing environments based on the CART categorization algorithm," Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Soft computing, Guilan, Iran, Dec. 29–30, 2021.
[13] E. Saeedizade and M.Ashtiani, "Multi-constraint dynamic scheduling of scientific workflows in cloud with multi-resource packing," Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, May. 19–20, 2021.
[14] E. Saeedizade and M.Ashtiani, "Multi-constraint dynamic scheduling of scientific workflows in cloud with multi-resource packing," Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, May. 19–20, 2021.
[15] A. Sheibanirad and M.Ashtiani, "A Self-adaptive Resource Management Approach for Cloud Computing Environments," Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, May. 19–20, 2021.
[16] A.Alaei Kerahroudi and M.Ashtiani, "An approach for creating balance in the monetization loop of the F2P mobile games to increase revenue," Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Computer Games; Challenges and Opportunities ,Tehran, Iran, Feb. 17–19, 2021.
[17] S.Feyzollahi and M.Ashtiani, "A security-aware virtual machine placement in the cloud ," Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, April. 22–23, 2020.
[18] M.Shahidi, R. Saheb Nasagh and M.Ashtiani, "An Automatic Refactoring Approach to improve Software Maintainability and Flexibility," Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, April. 24–25, 2019.
[19] T.Riahi and M.Ashtiani, "A Distributed and Agent-oriented Simulation Framework Based on the Micro-Service Architectur," Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, April. 24–25, 2019.
[20] A.Ziashahabi and M.Ashtiani, "The creation of an infrastructure as a serivce: Experiences and challenges," Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Web Research, Tehran, Iran, April. 25–26, 2018.
[21] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi," The role of quantum-like models in computational domains: A computational trust case study," Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptography, Shiraz, Iran, Sep. 06–07, 2017, Invited Speaker.
[22] K.Peymani and M.Ashtiani, " Node-xyz: A Microservice-based Framework for Node.js,"Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering with Emphasis on Nativ Knowledge", Tehran, Iran, Feb. 08–09, 2018.
[23] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "A Computational Model of Trust Based on a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach," Proc. of the 2013 International Symposium on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE'13), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Dec. 25–27, 2013, pp. 1-12.
[24] M. Ashtiani and M. Abdollahi Azgomi, "A Framework for High-Level Modeling and Simulation of Cyber Attacks for Evaluation of Availability," Proc. of the 8th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC'11), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, Sept. 14-15, 2011, pp. 93-98 (in Persian).
[25] B. Minaei Bidgoli, A. Sahaf, E. Aghajani and M. Ashtiani,” A new approach for encirclement of the target based on an event-based multi-agent system in computer games,” Proc. of the 11th Conference on Intelligent Systems, Khawrazmi University, 2012 (in Persian).
[26] B. Minaei Bidgoli, M. Ashtiani, M.Taheri and M. Jalili, “Crowd modeling with behavior autonomy in virtual environments and computer games,” Proc. of the 7th C4I Conference, Imam Hossein University, 2013, (in Persian).
[1]Social Networks Analysis: Theoretical Foundations and Tools - Nasrin Hamzelou and Mehrdad Ashtiani - 2018, Here. ( would love to hear your comments).
[2] Encyclopedia and Dictionary for Computer Game Development - Mehrdad Ashtiani and Mojgan Khazanehdari - Technical Reviewer: Behrouz Minaei - 2014, Here.
[3] Computer game AI - Donyaye Bazi Publishing, 2013 , Babak Namazian, Maryam ShirMohammadi and Mehrdad Ashtiani - Here.
[4] Video Game Publishers' Book - Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation, Mojgan Khazanehdari and Mehrdad Ashtiani, 2015.
[5] Iran Game Industry: Facts and Key Players - Here.