I am a PhD student of Artificial Intelligence at Iran University of Science and Technology
under supervision of Dr.
Mahmood Fathy (associate professor of CE department,
IUST) and Dr.
Naser Mozayani (assistant professor of CE department,
IUST). I am also a member of Mathematics
department at Tarbiat Moallem University of
Sabzevar from 1998 until now. My main research interests lie in the areas of
Super-Resolution, Computer Vision, Panorama, Automated Timetabling and
Combinatorial Optimization.
I received my BSc degree in
Mathematics (with Computer specialization) in 1995 and my MSc degree in Computer Engineering (with a
specialization in Software Engineering) with a second class honors, in
1999 from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (the
largest university in the east of IRAN). My MSc thesis entitled "Genetic
Neuro-Nester for 2D Nesting Problems to Find the Global Minima with Rotation
and Reflection of Figures" was under supervision of Dr.
Reza Monsefi, assistant Professor of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
- M. Amintoosi, M. Fathy, N. Mozayani, A.T. Rahmani, “A Fish School
Clustering Algorithm: Applied to Student Sectioning Problem”, Proceeding
of LSMS2007, Life System Modeling and Simulation, China, Published as a
supplementary volume to Dynamics of Continuous Discrete & Impulse
Systems, series B: Applications and Algorithms, ISSN 1492-8760 , Volume 2, pp. 696-699, December 2007
(ISI). BibTeX
- M. Amintoosi, F. Farbiz, M. Fathy, “A QR Decomposition based
Mixture Model Algorithm for Background Modeling”, ICISC2007, Sixth
International Conference on Information, Communication and Signal
Processing, Singapore, pp. 1-5, December 2007. BibTeX
- M. Fathy, M. Amintoosi,
M. Sadeghi, A. Amiri, and M. Mousavi. “A review on
collision prediction projects”. In The 7th Iranian
Conference On Traffic & Transportation Engineering(TTC7), Tehran,
26-27 Feb 2007. Tehran Traffic & Transportation Organization.
(Persian). BibTeX
- M. Fathy, M. Sadeghi, M.
Amintoosi, A. Amiri, L. Djafari, and M. Mousavi. “A review on
machine vision applications and implemented systems in transportation and
traffic”. In The 7th Iranian Conference On Traffic &
Transportation Engineering(TTC7), Tehran, 26-27 Feb 2007. Tehran Traffic
& Transportation Organization. (Persian). BibTeX
- A. Amiri,
M. Fathy, M. Amintoosi,
Sadoghi Yazdi: A New Quantized
Input RLS, QI-RLS, Algorithm. ICCSA
(3) 2007: 495-506. BibTeX
- A. Amiri, M. Fathy, M.
Amintoosi , H. Sadoghi Yazdi, “Modified Quantized input Variable
Step Size LMS, QX-VSS LMS Algorithm Applied to Signal Prediction”, The 4th
IEEE GCC Conference, November 11-14, 2007. BibTeX
- M. Amintoosi,H. Sadoghi Yazdi, M.Fathy,R.
Monsefi, "Using Pattern Matching for Tiling and Packing
Problems", European
Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 183, pp. 950-960, 2007.
(ISI) BibTeX
- M. Amintoosi, F. Farbiz, M. Fathy, M. Analoui, N. Mozayani,
"QR-Decomposition-based algorithm for background subtraction", ICASP2007, IEEE
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp.
1093-1096, April, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. BibTeX
- H. Sadoghi Yazdi, M. Amintoosi, M. Fathy, “Facial Expression
Recognition with QIM and ITMI Spatio-Temporal Database”, 4th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and
Image Processing, Mashhad, Iran, Feb, 14-15 2007, (Persian). (pdf,361KB,
- M. Fathy, M. Analoui, N. Mozayani, M. Amintoosi, F. Farbiz, “A Background Model
Initialization Algorithm Based on QR-Decomposition”, 4th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and
Image Processing, Mashhad, Iran, Feb, 14-15 2007. (pdf,611KB,
- H. Sadoghi Yazdi, M. Amintoosi,
M.Fathy, "A new Spatio-Temporal Motion Stacking and Using it for
Facial Expression Recognition", The
First Local Conference on Electrical Engineering of Islamic Azad
University, Gonabad, 2006, (Persian) BibTeX
- M. Amintoosi, J. Haddadnnia, "Feature Selection in A Fuzzy
Student Sectioning Algorithm", Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, (LNCS), Springer- Verleg. pp. 147 -
160,Volume 3616 / 2005. BibTeX
- M. Amintoosi, H. Sadoghi Yazdi,J. Haddadnnia, "Fuzzy Student
Sectioning", PATAT04: Practice
and Theory of Automated Timetabling, pp. 421-424, Aug 18-20 2004, USA. BibTeX
- M. Amintoosi, R.
Monsefi, J. Haddadnia, "Using Pattern Matching for Tiling and
Packing Problems", Presented in the Fifth International
Conference on Computer Sciences, July 1-3, 2004, Metz,
France..(Modeling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and
Management Sciences, pp. 97-104, Hermes Science Publishing, 2004). BibTeX
- M. Amintoosi, H. Sadoghi Yazdi, "Optimum Fuzzy Student
Sectioning with a Fuzzy Evaluation Function in a Genetic Course
Timetabling", Proceedings of the 9th Iranian Annual
International CSI Computer Conference, pp 345-352, February 2004.
(Persian) (pdf, 269KB,
- R. Monsefi, M. Amintoosi,
"A Genetic-Neuro Algorithm for Tiling Problems with Rotation and
Reflection of Figures", Iranian
Journal of Science and Technology. Volume 26
, Issue B4, pp. 693 - 700, December 2002. BibTeX
- R.
Monsefi, M. Amintoosi, "A
Genetic-Neuro Algorithm for Tiling Problems", Proceedings of 5th
Iranian Annual International CSI Computer Conference, pp 298-304, March
2000. (Persian). BibTeX
- M. Amintoosi, "NP-Hard & NP-Complete Problems :A
Review", 0&1 Journal, Volume 3, No 1, pp 25-33, April 2000.
interested research areas are computer vision, image processing, timetabling
and combinatorial optimization. I invite you to check out my
project’s webpage for more details. 
Programming Languages and
I have
some experiments with the following programming languages and software:
FORTRAN, BASIC, C and C++, Assembly, Pascal, SQL, PHP, C++ Builder, Delphi and
- A brief look at MSc Projects under supervision of Dr.
Fathy, relating to traffic. Presented as a workshop in TTC08 (8th
Iranian Conference On Traffic & Transportation Engineering). PPT
- Genetic Algorithms: A Review. (in Persian)
- Computing with DNA (in Persian)
- Ant Colony Optimization (in Persian)
have been an instructor for these courses: Pascal Programming, C++ Programming,
Compiler, Data Structure, Computer Graphics, Operating Systems, Data Base and
Machine Language.
Professional Activities:
BS Project Supervision:
Project Name
Student Name
Preparing of Dr. Ali Shariati's Bibliography.
Gh. Nobakht
Timetabling problem for Universities.
Object Recognition with Neural Networks.
Colony Optimization
Student Sectioning
Project Name
Building the first version of my own University's
Web Site.
M. BaghaeeNeghad - A. Bazghandi -
Evaluation Program.
S. ShahrAeeni
Metz, Shanghai1, Shanghai2, Shanghai3
With my students 1,With my students 2,
Address #1
Address #2
Mahmood Amintoosi,
Computer Engineering Department,
Iran University
of Science and Technology,
Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Zip Code: 16846-13114
Mahmood Amintoosi,
Mathematics Department,
Faculty of Science,
Tarbiat Moallem University of Sabzevar, Iran
P.O.Box 397
E-mail: mAmintoosi at yahoo com
This page was last updated on May 2008.