Selected Publications
Transport Mode Selection for Toxic Gases: Rail or Road?
Morteza Bagheri, Manish Verma, Vedat Verter
Journal of Risk Analysis, DOI: 10.1111/risa.12063,(2013)
Modelling hazardous materials risks for different train make-up plans
Morteza Bagheri, Frank Saccomanno, and
Liping Fu
Journal of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review: 48, 907–918 (2012)
Identifying injury severity factors at highway-railway crossings: a latent class modeling approach
Naveen Eluru, Morteza Bagheri, Louis F.Miranda-Moreno, and
Liping Fu
Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention: 47, 119 – 127 (2012)
Reducing the threat of in-transit derailments
involving dangerous goods through effective placement along the
train consist
Morteza Bagheri, Frank Saccomanno, Shojaeddin Chenouri, and
Liping Fu
Journal of Accident Analysis and
Prevention:43(3) 613-620 (2011)
Effective placement of dangerous goods cars in
rail yard marshaling operation
Morteza Bagheri, Frank Saccomanno, and Liping Fu
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering: 37(5)
753-762 (2010)
Risk analysis of stationary dangerous goods
railway cars: a case study
Morteza Bagheri
Journal of Transportation Security:2 (3)
77-89 (2009)
Book Chapter
An Expected Risk Model for Rail Transport of Hazardous Materials
Morteza Bagheri, Manish Verma, and Vedat
Transport of Dangerous Goods: Methods and Tools for Reducing the Risks of Accidents and Terrorist Attack, Springer Book, editors are : E. Garbolino, M. Tkiouat, N. Yankevich and D. Lachtar, ISBN 978-94-007--2683-3
Conference Papers
Transport mode selection for hazardous materials
Vedat Verter, Morteza Bagheri, and Manish Verma
5th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, ODYSSEUS 2012, May 21-25, Mykonos, Greece, 2012.
A latent class modelling approach for identifying
injury severity factors and individuals at high risk of death at
highway-railway crossings
Naveen Eluru, Morteza Bagheri, Luis Miranda-Moreno, and Liping
ASCE Conference Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Transportation Information and
Safety (ICTIS), Published by American Society of Civil
Engineering (ASCE) , 1584-1599, 2011.
A comprehensive risk assessment framework for rail
transport of hazardous materials
Morteza Bagheri, Manish Verma, and Vedat Verter
ASCE Conference Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Transportation Information and
Safety (ICTIS), Published by American Society of Civil
Engineering (ASCE) , 2174-2182, 2011.
Dangerous goods railway car placement model
Morteza Bagheri, Frank Saccomanno, and Liping Fu
In Proceedings of the 9th International
Heavy Haul Conference in Shanghai, Jun. 2009.
Risk based model for marshalling dangerous goods
railway cars in rail yards
Morteza Bagheri, Frank Saccomanno, and Liping Fu
In Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of
Transportation Research Board (TRB) in Washington DC, Jan. 2009.