Advanced Topics in Information Systems: Cloud Computing (Fall 2010)

Course Homepage

Computer Engineering Department

Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, IRAN.

Course Staff

Function Name Email Address


Hadi Salimi

hsalimi (at_sign) iust (dot) ac (dot) ir



Final marks are available on course webpage. Friday, February, 11, 2011.
Final seminars presentation day is the next Friday. Friday, January, 28, 2011
Homework marks are updated Friday, January, 14, 2011
Check your homework paper below the page. Friday, December, 24, 2010.
The lecture notes were updated. Friday, December 17, 2010.
Course outline was updated. Friday, December 03, 2010.
Course content for virtualization was added. HW marks are updated. Friday, November 05, 2010.
Lecture notes for the first sections was added. Friday, October 15, 2010.
Course homepage is launched. Monday, October 04, 2010.



  • Click this link to see your homework, project and final marks. Send my your objections if there is any, through email.

Course Outline

Lectures: Thursday,  16:00-19:00; Room 42.

The following is a list of topics covered in the lectures (tentative):

  • Introduction to Cloud Concepts
  • Virtualization Technology
  • Cloud Resource Management
  • Security Issues on Clouds
  • Power-Efficient Cloud Systems
  • Programming Models in Clouds
  • Cloud storage systems


  • Class participation (1/20)
  • Term paper (4/20)
  • Research presentation (4/20)
  • Take home exam (3/20)
  • Final exam (5/20)
  • Homework (3/20)

Resources and Lecture Notes

All students should study the desired chapters of the introduced books and papers.


1. Introduction to Clouds

2. Virtualization Technology (VT)

3. Application Domains of VT

4. . Cloud Operating Systems

5. Cloud Programming Models and Frameworks

6. Green Cloud Computing

7. Cloud Benchmarking

8. Scheduling in Clouds

9. Cloud Pricing and Cost Models

10. Secure Cloud Systems

11. Cloud Standards

12. Cloud Architecture


Only printed homeworks are accepted. Find the template here

  • Homework 1 - A categorization of events and journals on Cloud Computing. A one page abstract is required for the next session. (Deadline: Thursday, October 07, 2010)
  • Homework 2 - A survey on recent open issues in Cloud computing, using the events and journals you found before.
  • Homework 3: A project on Transmeta Crusoe, Dynamo and IA-32 EL, as emailed to the group.
  • Homework 4: A brief description and presentation on your seminar.
  • Homework 5: A survey on Cloud computing projects.  
  • Homework 6: An abstract on the defined papers.

Class Seminars

All students should present their seminars at the last day of  the term. Please confirm your seminar title with me before getting prepared.

Student Name Seminar Title Seminar Slides
Ebrahimi, A. Cloud Application Architecture Presentation Slides
Akhavan, A. A. Scalability Challenges in Clouds Presentation Slides
Esfahani, M. Cloud Simulation Frameworks Presentation Slides
Balanchi, V. Cloud Architectures Presentation Slides
Tashakkorian, M. Cloud Data Storage Presentation Slides
Jalalimehr, M. Cloud Operating Systems Presentation Slides
Hajibagheri, Sh. SLA Management in Clouds Presentation Slides
Hajiabdolghafar, A.H. Mobile Cloud Computing Presentation Slides
Khodarahmi, E. Google App Engine Presentation Slides
Khalili, Sh. Cloud Programming Models Presentation Slides
Rahmani, F. HPC Challenges in Clouds Presentation Slides
Rostami, S. Cloud Benchmarking Presentation Slides
Zeidi, F. Clouds Standards Presentation Slides
Taheri M. Risk and Security Issues in Cloud Presentation Slides
Abdollahi, M. Windows Azure Platform Presentation Slides
Fatollahpour. B. Green Cloud Computing Presentation Slides
Feyzi, M. Security Issues in Elastic Clouds Presentation Slides
Mohammadi, B. Cloud Pricing Models Presentation Slides
Mohammadiani, Sh. Cloud Interoperability: Challenges & Issues Presentation Slides


Useful Resources


This course around the world:

Some Cloud Projects:

Cloud Events:

  • International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC) - 2010
  • International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER) - 2011

Cloud Journals:


Send me any other useful resources to be added to this section.

Last Update: 03/02/2011